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IMG_8593 2.HEIC

School Onboarding


We will again be providing our TOI Innovation Course and extension learning curriculum for female, stage four, year 8 high school students, together with their teacher mentors. The six month (two school terms) program commences in term 2, 2025. 


We have not yet decided on the size of the cohort, and are currently assessing growing demand. Given the limited number of subsidised spaces in the program, TOI competitively evaluates each school's application alongside our charitable goals and mission statement for diversity and inclusion. 

To learn more about the specifics of the program, important dates, logistics and curriculum, please request a meeting with TOI's Program Director. They will provide you with an introductory meeting and access to the School Information Handbook

For returning schools, please register directly using our internal re-enrolment link. Returning schools are given priority placement in our cohort, so to continue to grow the impact in your school.

Reach out at:

“I joined Orbispace so that I could develop new skills in entrepreneurship, STEAM, innovation and more. I want to prove that women can be just as good as men in STEM and STEM careers. I learned in Lesson 1 that STEM jobs are mostly held by men, and not as many women, which surprised me. I am nervous about public speaking and pitching my idea to judges, during term 3. But I am also excited at the same time."

At the end of their first TOI lesson, students are asked write a reflection on what they've learned and why they want to participate in the program. Here's what they have to say...

Important Information

For pricing, event dates and other logistical details, please contact us.


How long is the program?

Our curriculum spans two school terms (terms 2 and term 3). Students complete the course in 45min-1hr lessons each, and participate in two full-day events at the Sydney Startup Hub (one each school term). Students must complete the full course at school, across both school terms, and be able to attend the live events.


Who runs it?

Your school will need to support 1-2 teacher mentors (depending on your cohort size), responsible for delivering the lessons each week. Teachers participate in all live events and undergo teacher training (3, 1hr meetings per term - live online after school and/or recorded).


When is TOI taught?

It is up to schools to decide how and when TOI will be taught. Many schools give teachers and students release time from class (as TOI maps the Australian Curriculum); others cater the program for gifted students (although TOI is not reserved for this), use lunch times, or meet before and after school.

TOI's Impact in Numbers

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80% of students who complete TOI's grade 8 course select a STEM elective for grades 9 and 10. TOI students are 50% more likely to pick STEM subjects (vs those who are not part of the program), and 80% express an interest in Maths (vs. 52% national average). STEM Equity Monitor, 2024

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92% of TOI students report that TOI has boosted their confidence, 91% say TOI has helped them become a more effective group member, and 84% of TOI students report that their communication skills have improved because of their participation in TOI program.

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95% of TOI students report that TOI has shown a variety of pathways open to women, 78% report that TOI has inspired them to consider building their own business, and 98% say that TOI showed them how STEM skills can solve the world’s problems.

©2020 by The Orbispace Initiative.

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